Terms and condition

Tax returns are assessed on a Self-Assessment basis. This means that the ATO may not check whether the information you have submitted is correct. We will make every endeavor to ensure that your return is prepared accurately and correctly, however we rely on you to ensure that all relevant information is disclosed to us.

I confirm that

I have reviewed every page of the accompanying copy of the income tax return to which the attached Electronic Lodgment Declaration refers and confirm that all items are correct and that there are no omissions or misstatements.


If I am an Australian tax resident, you have advised me that I must declare income from all sources, in and out of Australia, including net capital gains received, for the year of income in my tax return.


You have advised me that to claim a work-related or other expense deduction I must demonstrate that I have incurred the expense for income producing purposes. In addition, you have advised me of the substantiation legislation that I must satisfy in relation to all deductible expenses, including car, travel, business, education and work-related expenses. You have informed me that I must OBTAIN ORIGINAL RECEIPTS and keep them for a minimum of five years from the date my return is lodged.

The receipts must contain the following details:

  • Name of supplier and amount of expense;
  • nature of goods/services and date of the expenses (details I am able to personally record where not adequately noted by supplier);
  • date of the document.


Where items are used for both business/work-related and private purposes e.g. car, telephone, computer etc. I advise I have kept appropriate apportionment records to verify my business usage claim and that my employer will verify that it was necessary to incur such expenditure in earning my income. Further, I have instructed you to prepare the return based on my specific instructions on the understanding I will be able to produce such information to the satisfaction of the ATO in an audit situation.


I further confirm that:

  • I am aware that the procedures to follow if a document is lost or destroyed is to obtain a copy from the supplier;
  • I may be required to substantiate or verify any income or expense item declared or claimed in my tax return in the
  • event of an ATO audit;

I declare that:

  • I have read and understood the tax return that has been prepared for me;
  • I have disclosed and you have returned all my assessable income for the current income tax year;
  • I have all receipts or documentation necessary to substantiate my work-related and other claims, and I will make them available if required by the Tax Office;
  • All income declared, claims for deductions and tax offsets/rebates included in my return are based upon my specific instructions;
  • You have explained what written income and expense evidence will typically be required during an audit and
  • that penalties, interest and possible legal action may be applied if incorrect income or claims are identified by an audit.

Terms and Conditions:

  • I acknowledge that an invoice will be issued for your services and I agree to pay this invoice in full.
  • I acknowledge that further action may be taken to secure payment of overdue/outstanding accounts.

Accufin Taxation Services is a service provided by Accufin Taxation Services (ABN 18172337531) and Tax Agent Registration Number 25972677.

I accept the above Terms & Conditions and agree to be bound by the agent’s privacy statements and that I have received detailed and sufficient information on the processing of my personal data by Accufin
Taxation Services.